When We Need Calmness

We live in a world that has many trials. Even as Christians we will face them. How often have you longed for peace and calmness? The Lord Jesus tells us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”

A friend sent me a devotion by Dr. David Jeremiah that encouraged me. Let me share it with you.

Pastor Franklin Logsdon told of an elderly friend who was rushed to the hospital for an emergency operation. The man’s son arrived just as the father was being wheeled into the operating room and asked, “How are you, Dad?” The father simply replied, “Even though the storm is raging, son, there is always calmness when the Prince of Peace is in the vessel.”

Recalling the incident, Pastor Logsdon later wrote, “The peach which our Savior gives is exclusive in its origin, for it is a peace which the world cannot give. It is exceptional in its character, for it is not what the world speaks about, fights and dies for … No, it is something real, something restful, something refreshing.”

The Bible says, “You rule the raging of the sea when its waves rise, you still them,” (Psalm 89:9). During difficult times we find strength in God’s faithfulness. During emergencies we find strength when the Prince of Peace is captaining our lives.

F.B. Meyer said, “As we pour out our bitterness, God pours in His peace.”

Look for the Lord today for comfort, calmness and peace.

Dr. David Bouler

Dr. Bouler is currently the Director of Global Faith Ministries, a ministry of encouraging and challenging the local church through Bible Conferences, Revivals, Missions Conferences, Sunday School development, and Leadership Training. Dr. Bouler writes a weekly article called “God’s Good News” in 45 newspapers across America and broadcasts three weekly radio broadcasts. Dr. Bouler pastored for 43 years in three churches, with 20 years at Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga. He also served as President and Chancellor for 23 years at Tennessee Temple University and Temple Baptist Seminary.


Passing Trails